Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rough Reel #35, week 6

New reel as seen on Vimeo:

Phoenix Pox - Week 6 Rough Animation from Samantha Smith on Vimeo.

Phoenix Pox - A disease causing birds to spontaneously combust. Now with special effects!

Updates: New animation and effects. Updated music with violins and Russian vocals! New screechy noises, I mean, Hugh, I mean, voice work!

Scene Breakdown:
Sc01: Ready for clean!
Sc02: Almost ready for clean!
Sc03: Ready for clean!
Sc04: Ready for clean!
Sc05: Ready for clean!
Sc06: Ready for clean! (timing issues caused by composite, will be fixed in final)
Sc07: Ready for clean!
Sc08, 10, 12: Timing/animation issues
Sc09: Changed, unhappy, will fix.
Sc11: Changed, unhappy, will fix.
Sc13: Changed, unhappy, will fix.
Sc14: Ready for clean!
Sc15: Done!
Sc16: Ready for clean!

This week's update is brought to you by: Jordan Cabral and the amazing violin! Woo!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pox Reelz!

I heard there was some trouble getting my blogger videos to play so I uploaded to Vimeo this time!

So here's the rough animation reel of Phoenix Pox!

Phoenix Pox - Week 5 - Rough Animation from Samantha Smith on Vimeo.

Scene 16 - Summore

Fun with fire!

We had an awesome guest speaker come in to tell us all about burning things! He made me a lovely animation of a bird exploding. Unfortunatly mine's not as cool but here's my roughs with fire for scene 16! The final scene of Phoenix Pox.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pox, Rough Animations!

Scene 1 - Ready for Cleaning

Scene 2 - Parts are going to be re-done, the big bird is going to mimic a bad lighter somehow

Scene 3 - Needs to be redone, so skipping it
(Diving scene)

Scene 4 - Ready for Cleaning

Scene 5 - Sucks, re-working it

Scene 6 - Ready for cleaning! Adding a screen shakes to it

Scene 7, 9, 11, 13 - Not done yet, Only Keys
(7-wake up, 9-gasp! 11-omgs! 13-WTF?!)

Scene 8, 10, 12 - Roughed in, needs to look more like cracking (colour is purely for clarity)

Scene 14 - Ready for cleanup!

Scene 15 - DONE! FTW!

Scene 16 - roughed in, need to rough clean, then it can be cleaned proper

Other updates include:
The final song is due to be in my inbox March 1st.
We're recording new audio from Hugh this thursday.